SAROM creates glass bottles that makes your product memorable!
We are passionate about blending technology and craftsmanship into producing, distributing and promoting quality packaging for the beverage industry.
Discover our latest wine bottle creation: The Danube Wine Collection! A blend between nature and cityscapes translated into bottle design that stands out!
Most of our products are hidden in plain sight– in cellars, restaurants and on most store shelves.
You’ve seen them, touched them and most probably have a memory with them.

One-stop provider

30 years of SAROMBecame a CETIE member
Tracked and reduced our carbon footprint
Complete digitization of client service processes.2020
New HO, doubling of company's full-time employees Bottle personalization and speciality glass become an important part of our activity Significantly increased our storage capacity in order to improve product accesiblity2018
The first moulded glass vial for infusion and tubular glass vials for the European market, manufactured in a state-of-the-art factory in India.2013
Introducing in Romania the first premium wine bottles manufactured in Italy Selling the first specialty glass personalized bottles in Romania2008
Selling the first made in France extra-flint bottle for spirits market in Republic of Moldova2007
A new market acquired for pharmaceutical molded glass vials: Republic of Moldova2003
Product line extension: selling tubular glass ampoules in Romania1988
First pharmaceutical molded glass vials sold by our French Partners in the Socialist Republic of Romania (R.S.R.) to 3 state-owned companiesLatest products
The newset additions in our portofolio
A series of technological news and industry articles
Some of our clients

We are passionate about producing, distributing and promoting quality glass for the food and beverage industry and we’ll go the extra mile to ensure total customer satisfaction.
Our Location
Delea Veche nr. 24, Bucharest, Romania