Once a wine bottle chosen, a decision concerning the closure has to be taken. It is not an easy task because it impacts directly the flavour of the wine. It means that the same bottled wine will have different flavours while using different corks. The main closure taken into consideration is from natural cork, but we have to emphasize also the extensive advantages of micro-granular corks.

A first gain is represented by the advanced sanitation technologies used in the production of these ones, which allow to exclude almost any risk of cork alteration (TCA). This type of cork offers also a sensorial neutrality, therefore the organoleptic characteristics of the wine will be maintained

Another asset of the micro-granular corks, perhaps the most important, is the control of the oxygenation. The level of the oxygen transfer (OTR) could be settled, allowing an ideal mix between this one and the manufactured type of wine. For example

The oxygen transfer rate is different for each of the three corks. Here below the level in microliters/day.

Taking in account this rate, we could establish the most appropriate cork for each type of wine

  • Cork no. 1: generally young red wines, requesting a medium oxygenation;
  • Cork no. 2: white or young red wines for which it is important keeping the fruity and flowery flavours;
  • Cork no. 3: appropriate for wines with a long maturation period and a significant need of flavour`s conservation

For more details regarding this type of corks, please refer to the technical sheets here below.

If you would like to know which type of cork is appropriate for your wine, please feel free to contact us anytime here